Installation: To install Igo from this disk to another, type: INSTALL SRC DST Where SRC is the source disk (for example A:) and DST is the destination disk (for example C:). If you just type INSTALL, the program will be copied from the A: disk to the C: disk. Install makes a directory called IGO on the destination disk and copies all files from the source disk to the IGO directory on the destination disk. Copying and Distribution: Igo is copyright 1991 David Fotland. The go tutorial is Copyright 1991 Roger White. The purpose of Igo is to help as many people as possible learn how to play Go, so we encourage you to make and distribute an unlimited number of copies of this program, provided you include all the files from the original disk without altering them in any way. If your disk is missing any of the following files you can get a new master disk from Ishi Press International for just a shipping and handling charge. The following files are included on the distribution disk: egab19.bmp grain.bmp install2.bat tanb9.bmp vgaface.bmp egab9.bmp igo.exe tanw19.bmp vgago.bmp egago.bmp igo.ico patterns.dat tanw9.bmp vgasmgo.bmp egaw19.bmp igoherc.bat readme vgab19.bmp vgaw19.bmp egaw9.bmp install.bat tanb19.bmp vgab9.bmp vgaw9.bmp go.rul On Line Help: Each menu option is explained in a help screen. You can get help by pressing F1 at any time except during the go tutorial. On the main playing screen, press any key to make the menu appear (it is under the Japanese character for go). Hercules users: You must run the driver program "" before running Igo. Due to a Microsoft bug, if you do not do so your machine may crash when you run Igo. You have 3 options: 1) Run Igo by typing "igoherc" instead of "igo". Igoherc is a DOS batch file that runs msherc, then Igo. 2) Type the command "msherc" yourself before the first time you run Igo (but you must then run msherc again each time you boot your machine). 3) If you have installed Igo on your hard disk you can add the line "\igo\msherc" to your autoexec.bat file. This will install the hercules driver every time your machine boots up. Note that this will leave less memory available for other applications. Msherc uses about 6 Kbytes of memory. Memory Usage: Igo requires 423 Kbytes of memory to run at all. The pattern database requires another 21 Kbytes (444 Kb total). Additional memory is used for the graphic bitmaps, but these are not required for proper program operation. You can use the "chkdsk" or "mem" (DOS 5.0) command to see how much available memory you have on your machine. If you don't have enough memory available check your autoexec.bat file and config.sys file for drivers and TSR (terminate and stay resident) programs that you don't need. Be sure to back up your autoexec.bat and config.sys files before you make any changes. Microsoft Windows 3.0: A graphic icon is provided for Windows 3.0 users called igo.ico. To install the program for operation under Windows: from program manager select File, New. Select "Program Item" and push the OK button. Enter the name of the program "Igo", and the path name "c:\igo\igo.exe" then select "Change Icon". Enter the file name "c:\igo\igo.ico" as the icon file name. Push the OK buttons. The program icon now appears as a small go board in the program group that was selected. If you have VGA graphics and are an advanced user you can improve the graphic performance by creating a pif and turning off "monitor ports" in the advanced screen. (See the "More About Applications" chapter in the Windows manual for details.) Igo does not use EMS, XMS, or HMA, and does not require "Retain video memory". Disk usage: If you are short on disk space you might be able to delete some files to save space. If you will not be using VGA mode you can delete the VGA graphic files (GRAIN.BMP and VGA*.BMP). If you will not be using EGA you can delete the EGA graphic files (EGA*.BMP). If you will not be using Tandy graphics you can delete the tandy graphic files (TAN*.BMP). If you will not be using Hercules graphics you can delete MSHERC.COM. If you do not need the go rules tutorial you can delete the file GO.RUL. If you delete files off your hard disk be sure you save the original disk since you must copy all the files if you make copies for other people.